Bridal Facial with Galvanic
Galvanic bridal facial use a direct galvanic electrical current to introduce water-soluble substances through the skin’s surface in an effort to improve ingredient absorption and moisture retention.
The galvanic facial is appropriate for every skin type. The facial increases the skin’s ability to absorb, allowing the ingredients of the facial to penetrate deeper. It increases moisture retention, eliminates clogged pores and reduces oils that can lead to acne.
Galvanic facial reduces the dullness, promotes firmness and gives you baby soft touch. It counters the effects of aging and stress, increases circulation and creates a healthier glow.
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Tips - Facial
For first time users, do not scrub or exfoliate your skin for next 2-3 days as it has undergone intense scrubbing routine. Do not apply any chemical enriched cream right after facial treatment.
Also, avoid using makeup immediately after the facial. For best result, drink plenty of water post facial. Do not go for threading or waxing after the facial.
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Do not play with your skin, your hands contain bacteria which may contaminate the skin.