Forehead – Threading

Forehead Threading

Eyebrow and Forehead threading usually goes hand in hand. Forehead threading is the process of removing unwanted hair on the forehead by the use of thin cotton or polyester thread. It is 100% natural and all it requires is a thread.

For the first timers, make sure you do not use any skin bleaching product right after threading as it will result in irritation and itching sensation. Heat treatments should also be avoided as it may make the skin dry and cracked.

The biggest factor that holds many back from threading is the myth that it involves too much pain. It is definitely an unusual sensation but not painful. Forehead threading is advisable because it tackles even the tiniest hair which might be missed if done with waxing.

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The general tendency of women is to touch the area but since threading open the pores and the bacteria and on the hands may enter the skin which can cause acne and irritation so avoid touching your skin right after threading.

Apply soothing ingredients like aloe vera gel or rose water, it also helps in reducing the redness. Remember to put powder on your skin before threading process, it absorbs excess oil and reduces irritation that occurs due to friction.

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Stay away from cosmetics right after threading as it may result in adverse effects.

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